Friday, October 18, 2013

Japkasai treatment - frequently asked questions

Keeping clients happy is central to any role. I've had questions about this treatment and thought I'd share some of my client success stories.

This treatment isn't a one-size-fits-all for everyone. Everyone has their own modesty levels and everyone has their own pain limits and treatment styles. It can be more of an art than science at times.

Client A
One of my first clients is a regular. He's a very modest introvert and is uncomfortable with nudity.

We've made some progress in his treatment and have managed to come to a compromise. He keeps his underwear on during the treatment. This is perfectly acceptable and we can still proceed with the treatment.

The compromise is that we still have to do a full on visual and physical examination of the testes and spermatic cords prior to the massage. This is OK with him.

We've fine tailored his treatment and I see him every other week. His condition was pretty severe so he will likely have a lifetime of treatment in front of him and he understands this.

Some clients (and I'm not pointing directly at client A) may also have issues with the size of their member, as do all men. Let them know that if you think they might have an issue with it.

Men some in all shapes and sizes and everyone understands that. Nothing to be ashamed of. It's one of the biggest issues I see with almost every new client.

(Not one of my clients. Used for illustrative purposes)

Client B
A before and after we started:

This is a fairly infrequent visit. When he first started, he had chronic inflammation and pain. He's been mostly cured but still needs to schedule the occasional visit every few months.

Client C
Also a fairly significant before and after shot, his condition is different

We've managed to control his pain, but he is having inflammation issues that we are trying to manage with a better regiment of nutrient, diet and exercise.

Another approach we've taken is to manage the amount of masturbation he does through a chastity. He wears a chastity device we are better able to control amount per week he is able to ejaculate. This is necessary for the spermatic cords to heal after treatment, and acts as motivation for his weight loss. (He spends more time away from his laptop now)

Chastity is a tool that I recommend to some of my clients if I don't think they are being honest in self reporting. It's a great way to ensure that they are keeping to their end of not ejaculating directly after their treatment, but also for general health overall.

While masturbating is not unhealthy, it's discouraged if it's done every day when you have symptoms like these. The spermatic cords have to have a rest period to prevent infection and promote healing.. I would set a weekly goal if not every other week, depending on severity.

Chastity is something that cannot be jumped into directly and the client must retain at least one emergency key for obvious reasons.

Some other pointers to keep clients happy
During the treatment itself, restraint is of utmost importance. For one, it's important to have trust with your client. I use a method of control for multiple reasons. One, is while administrating the treatment, we do not want hands getting in the way. The client has to verbally, and not physically, tell you when you have enough.

Not only does this build a relationship where the client can rest comfortably that they can trust you, it helps them relax and take their mind off things. You can start off slow and build up to full restraint once you are both comfortable with the procedure.

Another, unfortunate, reason is that I've literally had guys who started masturbating, one to ejaculation, during treatment. This is not ok.

Some examples of restrains used:

Restraint is not only helpful to restrict movement, but also I restrict vision. I've tended to notice that clients do not get the full treatment if they anticipated the blow. If they see it coming, their natural reaction is to clench up. This can actually amplify the pain receptors and prevent a full dosage of treatment.

Make sure you do not tell the client what you are going to do or what you will be doing next. Make sure to change up the process every time. Make sure the client is ok with the various treatments before you get to this stage though. Some do not like sharp pain (like that of a slap) or blunt pain (like that of a fist).

With a wide variety of tools that are able to be used, the level of restraint is limited with what's available and on hand. The ideal may not always be available, but make sure the client at least has enough of a restraint for the arms and legs and something to block vision that's easy to be removed, at first.

You will notice that you will fall into a routine that you are both comfortable with and you can recommend to your client to get more stable restraints, like leather ankle collars and wrist restraints (never steel restraints directly on the skin as this is not comfortable and potentially dangerous)

Keep it fun.
While, it may not sound like fun, most of my clients actually have a great time and a good chat. Know when to break and know when to push through. It can be hard to pick up on cues at first, but once you build rapport, you can find things that change it up to take their mind off the treatment itself.

One of the things I do with one of my clients is I literally roll 2 dice. The first die selects the type of device to be used, and the second die is used for the number of blows. I never tell them what was selected. I never tell them the number. This works to take their mind off the pain and instead focus on trying to identify what tool is being used. It works really well. Highly recommended.

Keep it imaginative. 

You will know, based off the client, what works and what doesn't. Like I stated, it's more of an art, yet we still have to make sure that they are getting the full treatment at the same time. Come up with your own style.

A few clients I have are ok with spanking in lieu to the actual treatment. This is a great tool to ensure treatment. How? Well, if I feel the client is "wussing out" of their treatment, I give them a few lashes/hand spanking/belt/paddle (whatever they are comfortable with and agreed upon before starting).

This is works to shift the pain that they are feeling from their testicles to their buttocks. The buttocks can also take more punishment, so you can dole out more pain and not have to worry as much about risking injury.

I also tailor treatment options. I verify they are adhering to their regimen, whether it be diet (I''ll have them jump on a scale), chastity (verify they key the possess is in a tamper-free box and un-tampered with) or sticking to whatever goals we set on the previous visit.

There are a lot of benefits to this, but it's not for everyone. About half of my clients opt out, but the other half are not only ok with it, they love the benefits and incentives it provides.

What about aftercare?
After you leave, the treatment does not end. As mentioned with abstaining from sex and masturbation for AT LEAST 72 hours after a visit, there are other things that must be done.

Drink plenty of water. The body is healing and needs water to hydrate the cells. Very important.

Vitamin rich food. Whether a pill supplement, or good food, goes a long way. Asian Nettle Tea is also good. Very common in all Asian grocery stores virtually everywhere.

Wear a cotton based underwear. Preferably briefs, rather than boxer-briefs, but definitely not boxers. If jogging or aerobics is on schedule for the next few day, make sure and athletic supporter is worn, or a poly/spandex based athletic underwear like underarmor is worn.

No smoking. Cigarettes are not only unhealthy, in general, they also prevent the body from healing as quickly as it should. Quitting or reducing smoking could be added to the list of objectives to overcome from the "punishment" section above.

Why does my client still suffer after 1st treatment?
This is not a miracle cure. It will make this better, for a while, if done properly. It may take a few visits, or longer. This, in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle, all play roles in long term care. One important thing I find out from other therapists is that they are not meeting the pain threshold or duration. This seems to be the most common mistake. Especially if proper restraint and distraction (using blinders of some fashion to prevent them from anticipating the blow) aren't being used.

Another thing I've seen within my own clients, is that they have a "scared stop" and "pain stop". Sometimes their fear will tell them to stop, instead of the pain threshold. You must still stop, but make sure to question them on if it is pain, or fear. If they are honest with you, you will notice improvement.

This is a no-brainer, but sometimes the uncomfortable conversation has to be brought up. I generally do not like a lot of hair and ask my client to at least trim a little. This makes my job much easier. Make sure your clients are aware of your expectations, at all time.

Local Facility
While 90% of my patients are in-home visits, about 10% come to me. I have a side office that I've converted that allow me to let my patients have full privacy. Since some of my clients are living in full houses, we do not want little Jimmy opening the door mid-treatment, nor do we want them hearing what's going on (hint: a lot of grunting!)

My facility is set up to allow proper restraint and comfort. While I don't prefer this as option A, it's still on the table (no pun intended).

The end user should keep a tab on their health through this treatment. a logbook should be used, either online or an actual notepad, that chronicles the pain they are feeling, swelling, diet and any other variable through the process.

This is the only way to truly gauge their progress and helps you fine tune your approach.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Human Body: No Pain for Shaolin Monks

Intense training and mental discipline allow these masters of meditation to endure incredible pain and punishment. 

Living like a Shaolin Monk gives us a fascinating insight into how we can live  a longer, healthier life with more vitality even in the midst of our urban modern life. Many of us look at a Shaolin Monk's life and think it's extreme but think of a Shaolin Monk like an Olympic champion, working hard everyday to remain at the peak of their health and fitness so they can achieve their end goal of enlightenment.

1) Make your health your priority

Yesterday a student came to me with back pain so bad, he found it difficult to stand up straight. He told me that he couldn't work or do anything because he was so overcome with pain. I massaged his pain to alleviate the worse of it then I guided him through a Qigong sequence. At the end of our session, his pain was almost completely gone. I asked him what had triggered the pain, and he told me he hadn't had time to do any training for many months.

Remember that your health is the most important thing there is. Without health you can't work or look after your family. Make it a priority. Shaolin Monks never skip a workout.

 2) The Power Of Commitment

Before embarking on their training, a Shaolin Monk makes a vow in front of their community. Being healthy requires a lifestyle changes and a way of approaching life in a more holistic way. Think of what you want to achieve, how much time you can give to achieve this goal, and make an inner commitment to strengthen your resolve.

3) Everyday day life is Zen

When a Shaolin Monk eats they do eating meditation,  when they walk they do walking meditation. Staying focused on the path leads to unshakeable peace. So next time you're in the supermarket do shopping meditation.

 4) Be moderate in eating and drinking

Through training, your body will naturally reject unhealthy foods and crave healthy foods. Shaolin Monks think of food as medicine, only eating and drinking what they really need.

5) Quantity counts more than quality

When a Shaolin Monk trains they train with their heart - mind first then their body. Better to train for ten minutes like this than an hour of unfocused training

6) It is our bad habits that cause us trouble, not reality

Whenever a negative emotion arises, a Shaolin Monk welcomes it as a gift so that they can progress on their path. We tend to cling to our worries, circling them round and round in our mind like a marble.  But the truth is that by doing this we are only adding to our problem.

7) The peaceful heart is always here

A Shaolin Monks way is to peace is through their training and meditation. Whatever yours is, make sure you give yourself time to renew yourself on a daily basis and get in touch with the peace that is always within you.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Eastern Asian Japkasai treatment for chronic Spermatocystitis

Spermatocystitis, or the inflammation of the seminal vesicles can be a chronic and long term illness. It is a very painful condition which, if not treated properly, can lead to testicular torsion, testicular atrophy, and impotence. While the symptoms can be treated by western medicine, it is often only a short term solution with pain medicines which can have ill side effects such as addiction to pain medicines.

There is an eastern remedy that has been used for generations. The information has been translated from eastern medicine literature. Japkasai, the Thai testicular massage and Chinese remedies are illustrated below.

This treatment will take at least 2 hours. Take your time with the instructions.

The Japkasai massage has the following benefits for people suffering chronic spermatocystitis:

  1. Stimulate blood circulation
  2. Strengthen the spermatic cord
  3. Provide pain relief of the testicles
  4. Increase testosterone production
This massage can be very intense for the patient. The massage has to be done with them knowing the procedure beforehand and consenting to the treatment fully.

For this you will need basic massage tools and a massage table. There are many ways of administrating this treatment but the steady hands of a practitioner should be all that is needed. I sell an accelerated kit with the proper instruments and emollients to make work easier. Contact me for prices.

The basic kit comes with the massage bongers and oils for treatment. The advanced kit is more suitable for someone trained in eastern medicine but anyone should be able to operate with these instructions.

Step 1

Asses the patient in a standing position. We want to make sure the patient is eligible for this type of treatment. Things to look out for are damage done such as bruising, unusual swelling, excess pain. If any of these symptoms are present, the patient must first get consent from their doctor to proceed.

Presence of fluid buildup, know as a hydrocele needs treatment from a doctor.

Abnormal, or advanced, testicular torsion accompanied by pain.

Testicles that have no pain, or little response when squeezed.

Step 2

At the massage stage, have the patient put on the blindfold. Play soft music if available to sooth the nerves.. Have the patient lay down on his back in the supine position with their knees bent up and apart.

We want to expand the scrotom and elongate the spermatic cords with the following massages:

A) Pull up, towards the body between the testes and penis while massaging the spermatic cord.
B) Pull Down, in reverse while massaging the spermatic cords.
C) Massage outwards, separating the testes
D) and back in.

Repeat this process until the testicles are hanging loosely from the body as such:

A wet, warm washcloth may help in this procedure to help with the spermatic cord lengthening.

The next step in this process is the testicular rolling. This can be done by slowly rotating each teste independently 180 degrees at a time and both in a clockwise and counterclockwise fashion.

After this is the tap and push. With one hand, lift the scrotum and 
A) with your finger tap on each teste. Asses the pain threshold of the patient. Increase the tap until you have reached their pain threshold and remember this value. 
B) Using the base of your hand in a slapping motion, hitting both testes, assign a threshold of pain for both at one time. 
C) Twist the tested above the 180 degree mark in both directions, until a threshold is realized.

While the patient is still in the supine position, We need to next check the perineum.

The perineum is located between the anus and the scrotum.

Massage this area, checking for excess pain. From the Perineum up to the scrotum, completing the same steps as from above, but from the underside of the scrotum.

Check for excess swelling in the perineum and fluid buildup. The prostate should be avoided during this massage, but feeling for inconsistencies, if experienced, is a worthwhile technique.

A table with leg-stays are very helpful in this examination, but not required.

Step 3

Have the patient rest on their hands and knees. Test scrotum should hang freely away from the body as such.

Use a towel or a pillow if necessary. Make sure the patient is comfortable and does not have a weak back.

In this position, repeat the procedure from step 2. Tap, hit, rotate.

The patient can also lay on his side during this step if a bad back is another area of discomfort (notice, preferential scrotal stretching in image)

Now is when you will need the belt. You can try to gauge the patients response from you hand, but you want to apply pressure and a sting enough for them to gain blood flow.

The skin will warm and color red. This is a positive sign the blood is flowing and the energy is connected. You will want to make sure that you have a rose red color for the treatment to work. If the patient is unhappy with this and is asking to stop. Go back to the testicle massage from step 2-3 and work back down the list until you have reached a red complexion, depending on skin tone.

If the patient gets an erection during this part of the treatment, it is to be expected. The blood is flowing in this region. It will be good for aftercare.

Use Pinchwood/Rainwood oil (supplied with the kit I sell) and cover the red areas. This will also help with the healing process. Make sure to use plenty and cover all affected areas, especially the testes. We want to massage it in for at least 5 minutes, more if still sore.

Step 4

Have the patient get back into the supine position. We are going to use pain as a tool to fix this problem. The patient with spermatocystitis endures pain worse than what we will administer. While this is very uncommon in the western world and may strike as taboo, it is an ancient medicine practiced in many eastern countries. 

For this step, you will need Bongers, rope, a wooden mallet and or restraints. This can be painful and restraint may be necessary either via rope or hand restraints, positioning the hands to stay away from preventing the job at hand.

For bongers, This can be administered in both the supine and hands and knees. Make sure the perineum, testes, spermatic cord (both above and below) are struck. Use a repetitive motion, with not too much force, but not too little force either. A fast light pace is key. 

Bongers are available from places such as Amazon and other oriental massage product sites. I also carry a line of bongers that can be purchased directly from me.

The paddle is a good tool for someone just starting either as a patient or as the administrator of said paddle. Still, care should be used.

No tools, just hands

In conjunction to tools, it may be preferable to use hands in the absence of good tools. In some cases a combination of both hands and tools are used.

Step 4 needs to be repeated. It's important to give a full treatment. Multiple small taps, slaps, hits in repetition are more beneficial than 1 or 2 heavy hits. Aim for the spermatic chords if the pain becomes too severe.

Apply oil well after this part. Make sure to cover all affected areas followed by pressure to make sure the oil absorbs into the skin thoroughly.

Some notes

While Japkasai treatment may seem very uncommon or not beneficial, the patient will walk away with less pain. This treatment will cause short term pain, but in the long term, a less painful life. The treatment can last months, if not years of future discomfort. Spermatocystitis is known to last an entire lifetime and this treatment is lifesaving for the patient. A qualified Eastern Medicine doctor may not be available and it is hard for the patient to find a practitioner to administer this as it is very uncommon in the west.

During this procedure the patient may be uncomfortable and want to stop. Assure them that it is in their best benefit to proceed for a long term solution, but if he says no, stop immediately.

The patient may also experience an erection. Not only is this common, this is a result of the excess testosterone in the body that is generated by the pain produced in this area. Assure the patient that this is normal.

If at any point swelling occurs, stop. Have a cold washcloth handy and let the patient relax in the supine position until the swelling goes down. Do not proceed if this occurs.The patient will have to wait some months.

As a guideline, this should be performed at most twice per month. Do not exceed this as the patient will have no real benefit between this timeframe.

Advise the patient to not ejaculate for up to several days after treatment. When they do ejaculate, they may notice some pain. This is normal from the spermatic cords in the healing process

Part 2 - FAQ here.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Traditional Chinese Medicine

As a child growing up in China, I was always aware of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM is what we refer to as Eastern medicine, in contrast to the Western medicine we know from U.S. hospitals. I never understood much about TCM, only that it somehow involves herbs and that many Chinese people used it. The more I progressed in my medical training in major U.S. academic centers, the more distanced I felt from TCM. Why should I learn about something that lacks evidence, when there’s so much to know about for which there is good research? Last fall, I went to China on a research trip. While my study is primarily on its Western medical system, I was so fascinated by what I learned of Eastern medicine that I spent many free evenings observing TCM practitioners. There is so much I didn’t know. As a discipline, TCM is far too complex for me to understand in my short observation, but there are some very important “lessons from the East” that are applicable to our Western medical practice:

The first TCM practitioner I shadowed explained to me that to practice TCM is to “listen with your whole body”. Pay attention and use every sense you have, he said. I watched this doctor as he diagnosed a woman with new-onset cervical cancer and severe anemia the moment she walked into his exam room, and within two minutes, without blood tests or CTs, sent her to be admitted to a (Western) medical service. I’ve seen expert clinicians make remarkable diagnoses, but this was something else!

“How could you know what you had and that she needed to be admitted?” I asked. “I smelled the cervical cancer,” he said. “I looked and saw the anemia. I heard her speak and I knew she could not care for herself at home.” (I followed her records in the hospital; he was right on all accounts.)

I watched another TCM doctor patiently explain to a young woman with long-standing abdominal pain why painkillers were not the answer. “Why should we treat you for something if we don’t know what it is?” he said. “Let’s find out the diagnosis first.” What an important lesson for us—to always begin the diagnosis.

“A big difference between our two practices,” said one TCM doctor, “Is that Western medicine treats people as organs. Eastern medicine treats people as a whole.” Indeed, I watched her inquire about family, diet, and life stressors. She counseled on issues of family planning, food safety, and managing debt. She even helped patients who needed advice on caring for the their elderly parents and choosing schools for their child. This is truly “whole person” care! There is a term in Chinese that does not have its exact equivalent in English. The closest translation is probably “tune-up to remain in balance”, but it doesn’t do the term justice, because it refers to maintaining and promoting wellness. Many choose to see a TCM doctor not because they are ill, but because they want to be well. They believe TCM helps them keep in balance. It’s an important lesson for doctors and patients alike to address wellness and prevention. Western medicine revers the newest as the best; in contrast, patients revere old TCM doctors for their knowledge and experience. Practicing doctors do not rest on their laurels. “This is a practice that has taken thousands of years to develop,” I was told. “That’s why you must keep learning throughout your life, and even then you will only learn just a small fraction.” Western medicine should be no different: not only are there new medical advances all the time, doctors need to continually improve their skills in the art of medicine. Evidence-based medicine was my mantra in Western medical training, so I was highly skeptical of the anecdotes I heard. But then I met so many patients who said that they were able to get relief from Eastern remedies while Western treatments failed them. Could there be a placebo effect? Sure. Is research important? Of course. But research is done on populations, and our treatment is of individuals. It has taken me a while to accept that I may not always be able to explain why—but that the care should be for the individual patient, not a population of patients.

“In a way, there is more evidence for our type of medicine than for yours,” a TCM teacher told me. “We have four thousand years of experience—that must count for something!” There is so much I have not covered about TCM. Its practices vary regionally, and no doubt, there are more and less capable practitioners (as there are in Western medicine). More research into TCM methods will be important. However, regardless of whether we Western doctors want to prescribe TCM treatments, we should recognize there is much to learn from Eastern medicine, including what it means to be a physician to really care for our patients. Upon my return from China, I, for one, have a new-found appreciation for Eastern medical practice a renewed understanding of holistic medical care.

For more on holistic practice and the importance of partnership, please read my new book, When Doctors Don’t Listen.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ancient Thai massage to release inner chi and promote health

Not much is known in western culture about the advanced massages given by the Thai, which evolved from Chinese Chīangmai. There is little literature that has been translated into English. This advanced technique has been used for centuries by the worlds leading massage therapists in southeast Asia.

Chi is a Chinese word which means "energy force". Our bodies have direct connections with our health. We all know the world of acupuncture and the positive health benefits, but in the western world, chīangmi is not well known. As the foot, face, hands and back have direct connections with certain aspects of health, our inner groin holds the secrets to vast amounts of chi energy.

The coccyx region is the focal point of Chīangmai. In this massage, the region extends from the lower back at the base of the spinal cord nerve region to the front of the pelvis. The massage is for both men and women, although it is said this technique improves the lives of men more than women, so this will focus on male health.

This video demonstrates part of the techniques we will be covering. Although, there is much more to learn than this quick video shows and many different techniques to achieve the desired results.

Chīangmai basics

Disclaimer: This massage is not for the timid. It can be painful, make sure your patient raises any and all medical concerns before starting. Also, this involves them being completely bottomless through the entire procedure.

Bùfèn fāngshì

Start the patient on their knees, legs spread apart. Massage the back of the thighs working in to the lower back and buttocks. There is no particular order to follow here, take their lead on if this is too painful. Everyone has their own energy paths, but be sure to connect in one steady path to the coccyx region. This will be the main point of bùfèn fāngshì. It is directly above the anus.

The next region to focus on is the Perineum. Connect the coccyx region to the perineum. Chi is about pathways to the body. The stronger the pathway can be connected, the better the energy. Follow a path around the anus to the perineum using a steady force. The perineum region is located between the scrotum and the anus, opposite to the coccyx.

Massage this pathway making sure to feel for the nerve fibers directly behind the scrotum.

Once the perinea has been thoroughly massaged, we will now continue onto the scrotum. This can be painful for some, but remind your patient that this region is the road to good health and bare with it. The best technique I have seen is to grasp the base of the scrotum, close towards the penis, clasp, then move down in a milking fashion one teste at a time. Left, right, left, right then work the pressure up with both hands at the same time. Build pressure slowly and throughly until thoroughly massaged, then connect the pathway to the coccyx.

As with acupuncture pain is misunderstood in western society. In eastern cultures, pain is healing and health. Once you pass the threshold of pain, healing is right around the corner, and what heals, heals better. This has to be said because the next method of Chiangmai is called "Qiú kùxíng".

Qiú kùxíng

Qiú kùxíng is the 2nd phase. It literally translates from Chinese to "scrotal beating". This is a main avenue to release chi. The patient will need to be instructed to take deep breaths and remain still. They should not anticipate the blow.

To start this phase, you will need a warm towel soaked in warm water. Wrap this around the patients scrotum, and another dry towel around that. Have the patient lie flat on their back, eyes covered and give them at least 5 minutes for the warmth to settle in. This ensures the scrotum is loose and hangs away from the body.

Once the time is up, have the patient get on their hands and knees, legs far apart. Some therapists use a "shā dài" which is a bag of sand tightly bound in fabric weighing about 1 kilogram (just over 2 pounds) which is tied to a string. The string is measured from the coccyx to the mid scrotal area. One hand holds the string to the coccyx and the other hand lifts the shā dài a quarter of a meter (about 1 foot) from the scrotum and releases it. This pain is bad energy leaving the body. It is repeated until the patient has released their comfort level.

If a shā dài is unavaible, or something similar cannot be fashioned, Qiú kùxíng can also be done by a slapping, tapping or hitting in the scrotal region. Some therapist prefer this method as, in trained hands, it can be those most precise. Some use both methods.

Pèihé lóng

Pèihé lóng is the chīangmi 3rd step. This will require a rope of any fashion so that it is small enough to suit the scrotum.

There are many many methods to perform pèihé lóng. Many variables, the length of the rope, the skill of the therapist, the comfort level of the patient contribute directly to the effectiveness of this step. This is a skill hundreds, if not thousands of years of eastern medicine. Don't worry if you struggle with it.

Have your patient lie flat on his back. Cover their upper body and face in a towel or blanket. This is the relax period. Music, lower energy movements, no speaking. Their hands should be on their chests and under the blanket, legs spread, knees out, feet touching. This step is to prevent bad energy from coming back in. We do not want to increase anxiety, which increases bad energy.

Place the rope in the middle of the scrotum to separate the testicles. Wrap each side around each individual teste then tie the rope around the base of the scrotum, then back around over the top of the penis. Apply steady pressure with your hand, or use the shā dài at a distance for a few minutes.

After the time is up, release the rope and wash the area gently with a warm towel. The patient should be in a state of bliss.